Make More Bespoke Items.

Make More Bespoke Items.

Make More Bespoke Items.

Go beyond basic personalization with Printago’s advanced OpenSCAD customization. Adapt every aspect of your 3D models, from size to intricate design features to customer engravings, all in real-time.

No Additional Hardware

No Firmware Updates

No Endless Tinkering

Sign up for alpha early access now

Sign up for alpha early access now

Sign up for alpha early access now

Sign up for alpha early access now

Join us as we revolutionize 3D printer farm automation.

Join us as we revolutionize 3D printer farm automation.

Join us as we revolutionize 3D printer farm automation.

Join us as we revolutionize 3D printer farm automation.

Automate your Bambu Labs 3D Printers in seconds

Transform your Bambu printers into powerful workhorses and manage them alongside your Octoprint devices.

Effortless Integration

With Printago, integrating bespoke designs into your product lineup is streamlined and intuitive. Our cloud-based renderer swiftly converts OpenSCAD designs into ready-to-slice STL files.

After models are generated, they're automatically passed to Printago's slicing engine to prepare the models for printing.

Sophisticated SKU Management

Our platform simplifies the process of attaching SCAD parts to SKUs. When you upload a SCAD file, Printago intelligently prompts you to include any associated files, ensuring that every detail is captured and correctly aligned with your product offering.

Each time a SCAD part is added to a SKU, you have the option to set the SCAD variables for that instance of the part.


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© Printago 2024 All Right Reserved.


© Printago 2024 All Right Reserved.


© Printago 2024 All Right Reserved.